דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד
מתעניינים בלימודים?
תמונה של ד

ד"ר בן מלך יצחק | Dr. Yitsik Ben-Melech

* מנהל המרכז לרפואה , למתודיקה , למדע ולספורט ומנהל הכשרה והסמכת מאמנים במכללה האקדמית בווינגיט

* מנהל היחידה לספורט תחרותי בהתאחדות "אילת"

* יועץ אסטרטגי ומרכז הדרכה בהתאחדויות לכדורגל ולכדורסל

* מוביל תכניות אסטרטגיות ופרויקטים ביישובים , בהתאחדויות ספורט  ובמשרד הספורט


Dr. Yitsik Ben-Melech




Director of the Center for Sport Medicine & Methodology and the School for Coaching Certification at the Academic College at Wingate

Director of the Competitive Sport Unit of the Ayelet Association

Strategic adviser for projects and programs to promote sport and physical activity in sport organizations and association, and CEO of Strategy in Sport, which builds programs for residential settlements and communities.

Manager of conferences, workshops and study days for the Israel Football Association, the Israel Basketball Association, other federations and the Academic College at Wingate.

Past activities:

  • National and Olympic coach (Los Angeles, 1984) in Track & Field
  • Founder and director of the Elite Sport Unit in Israel And the sports director of the delegation from Israel to the Olympic Games (1997-1985)
  • Director of Sports Academies in South Africa (1997-2000)
  • Director of combined education-sport programs for young football players in peripheral areas and disadvantaged neighborhoods in Israel (2000-2016)
  • Physical fitness coach and scientific manager of the Maccabi Tel Aviv and Maccabi Netanya football clubs (on and off, 1986-2016)
  • Chair of the Sports Division of the 16th Maccabiah
  • Coordinator of courses and director of athletics coaching course (1997-2001)


Completed Physical Education Teaching studies at the Wingate College (1977), Athletics Coaching course (1974)

1981-1983 – Completed Training Theory studies at the Trainerakademie in Cologne, Germany (only Israeli there to date)

1991 – Completed M.A. degree in Training Theory at Leipzig University, East Germany (only Israeli there to date)

1994 – Completed Ph.D. studies at Leipzig University, Germany (only Israeli there to date)

1971-1974 – Served in the IDF Artillery Corps

Has written books, and many articles and booklets on physical fitness, and training and competition theory in the sport sciences



Dr. Yitsik Ben-Melech


On the book "Theory of Coaching and Competition / Game", Wingate Academic College 2020.

The coaching profession has had elaborated over the years and in the last decade has become more sophisticated from all aspects.

In the not so long past, a coach would give the players a ball or settle them for five warm-up runs, things that today would never be efficient or any yield results. Now days it is well known that the coaching system includes, many rehearsal, new methodological programs, scientific, physiological, medical and behavioral aspects, which all making the coach a person who has to explore and promote all kinds of data and then make any decision about the training process.

In his book "Theory of Coaching and Competition & Game" Dr. Itzik Ben Melech reviews all the components needed for a club, coach and organization to bring the athletes to fulfill their potential. The book deals with a wide range of sport types regardless of any section: from physical training, proper organizational structure, through the functionaries needed to bring success to implementation, building a training program, regulation, monitoring and control, physical structure, and emotional biological of young and adults, differences between development Girls and boys, coordination, types of coaches and everything related to the training process and competitions / games.

It seems like there is no better or more appropriate person other Dr. Ben Melech to write this book. The man who founded and managed the Achievement Sports Unit in Israel in the 1980s, and was the first to introduce science to Israeli sports. He was an Olympic athlete and coach, deepened his studies in coaching theory in Germany and studied for a doctorate in sports science in Germany known for combining science and sports. He was a professional advisor to the Olympic Committee in Kenya, managed the sports academies in South Africa, worked, and advised clubs in Israel and around the world.

In his book, he brings with him not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical knowledge and combines academic knowledge with application in the field, and this is what is special and characterizes Itzik - vast knowledge, along with unparalleled experience.

It seems that anyone who wants to understand sports in depth, certainly the coaching profession, will see in this book a real bible, which brings all the ingredients needed for profound success in the complex profession called coaching.



Dr. Yitsik Ben-Melech

מחלקה: מדריכים ומאמנים בספורט

תפקיד: מנהל המרכז לרפואה , למתודיקה , למדע ולספורט ומנהל הכשרה והסמכת מאמנים במכללה האקדמית בווינגיט

תחום התמחות: מנהל המרכז לרפואה , למתודיקה , למדע ולספורט ומנהל הכשרה והסמכת מאמנים במכללה האקדמית בווינגיט


מייל: kbmyn@l-w.ac.il



לצפייה בקורות חיים: אנגלית | עברית